Evangelive Youth Field School Experience 2022


The Outreach department of the Oregon Conference is partnering with It Is Written in a conference-wide evangelistic series from February 4-March 5, 2022. The Evangelive Youth Field School Experience is a unique opportunity during this event, for any young person between the ages of 14-35 to learn strategies to effective evangelism from top evangelists in the country and leaders from our conference. If you love evangelism, this is a CAN’T MISS opportunity for you!

Come and learn things like:

  1. How to craft powerful sermons
  2. How to make compelling appeals
  3. How to effectively use illustrations in your presentations
  4. How to connect with people through Bible studies
  5. How evangelism can be fun and creative
  6. And much more!

You will also be inspired by hearing different innovative approaches to evangelism and how it works as a cycle instead of a one-time event.

We will be meeting at the Adventist Community Church in Vancouver from 5-6pm for a few nights but will also visit other church sites holding a series to learn from their speakers as well.

Transportation needs to be arranged with a parent or legal guardian.

When you register, you will receive:

  • A certificate upon completion (attendance is required)
  • A shirt from our team
  • Custom training from speakers and trainers listed below
  • An evangelism manual for the first 20 who register

The cost is $20 per person if attending more than one training. Optional light suppers are available for an additional $30 for all 13 meals. Register using the form at the bottom of this page.

You can contact me at rob.zama@oc.npuc.org if you have any questions.

Hope to see you there!


Field School Schedule

Sabbath, February 12 from 5-6pm
Roger Walter – Why Evangelism (ACC Vancouver)

Tuesday, February 15 from 5-6pm
Eric Flickinger – How to Use Illustrations (ACC Vancouver)

Wednesday, February 16 from 5-6pm
Tim Taylor & Laura Taylor – Evangelism as a Cycle (ACC Vancouver)

Friday, February 18 from 5-6pm
Nancy Hernandez – Best Community Sowing Techniques (ACC Vancouver)

Sabbath, February 19 from 5-6pm
Dan Linrud – Innovative Evangelism (ACC Vancouver)

Tuesday, February 22 from 5-6pm
Roscoe Shields – Youth in Evangelism (Sharon)

Wednesday, February 23 from 5-6pm
Wes Peppers – Crafting a Powerful Sermon (Sunnyside)

Friday, February 25 from 5-6pm
David Rodriguez – Preparing For a Series (Whipple Creek)

Sabbath, February 26 from 10am-3pm
David Machado – Clearing For Baptism (Cascade)

Tuesday, March 1 from 5-6pm
Douglas Na’a – Effective Bible Study Strategies (Salem Central)

Wednesday, March 2 from 5-6pm
John Bradshaw – Making Appeals (Sunnyside)

Friday, March 4 from 5-6pm
Bill McClendon – Revitalization Through Evangelism (ACC Vancouver)


Speakers and Trainers:

John Bradshaw

President, It Is Written

Eric Flickinger

Associate Speaker, It Is Written

Wes Peppers

Evangelism Director, It Is Written

Douglas Na'a

Program Director, Soul-winning And Leadership Training (SALT)

Dan Linrud

President, Oregon Conference

Bill McClendon

Evangelism Director, North Pacific Union Conference

Roscoe Shields

Director of Regional Ministries, Oregon Conference

Tim Taylor

Associate Director of Outreach Ministries, Oregon Conference

Rob Zama

Field Evangelist, Oregon Conference

Roger Walter

Pastor, ACC Vancouver Church

David Machado

Evangelist, Revelation of Love Ministries

Laura Taylor

Life Coach and Evangelism Trainer

Nancy Hernandez

Evangelism Trainer, SOULS West

David Rodriguez

Head Elder, Whipple Creek SDA Church

And Others

Registration Form